Server Hardening

host base:

anti ddos:

chmod + x
#create the cron

 Firewall Protection:

    * APF – Configure both ingress and egress firewall protection.
    * BFD – Detect and prevent brute force attacks.

Spam Prevention and Anti-Virus Protection:

    * ClamAV – Configure for e-mail scanning. Enable auto-updating anti-virus definitions.
    * Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBLs) – Configure email server with RBLs to prevent spam.
    * Harden Mailserver Configuration – Prevent against detection of valid e-mail address through brute-force attacks. Also enable HELO verification and other sanity checks.

HTTP Intrusion and DOS Protection:

    * Mod_security – Install and configure mod_security for Apache with auto-updating ruleset.
    * Mod_evasive – Install and configure DOS, DDOS, and brute force detection and suppression for Apache.

Server Hardening:

    * Disable IP Source Routing – Enable protection against IP source route attacks.
    * Disable ICMP Redirect Acceptance – Enable protection against ICMP redirect attacks.
    * Enable syncookie protection – Enable protection against TCP Syn Flood attacks.
    * Enable ICMP rate-limiting – Enable protection against ICMP flood attacks.
    * Harden host.conf – Enable spoofing protection and protection against DNS poisoning attacks.
    * Harden Apache – Prevent module and version disclosure information.
    * Harden SSH – Allow only SSH version 2 connections.
    * Harden Named – Enable protection against DNS recursion attacks.
    * Ensure Filesystem Permissions – Fix permission on world writable directories and prevent against directory-transversal attacks.
    * Harden temporary directory and shared memory locations – Enforce noexec, nosuid on tmp and shm mounts.
    * Harden “fetching” utilities - Allows root-only access of wget, curl, and other utilties often used in web-based attacks.
    * Remove unnecessary packages – removes RPMS which are not needed to prevent against potential vulnerabilities and free up disk space.
    * Disable unused services – Disable services which are not used.
    * Disable unneeded processes – Disable processes which are not needed for server operation.
    * PAM Resource Hardening – Protects against exploits which use core dumps and against user resource exhausting through fork bombs and other shell attacks.
    * PHP Hardening – Enable OpenBaseDir protection.

Server Optimization:

    * Optimize TCP/IP stack – Various changes to TCP/IP stack to increase buffers and optimize for server environment.
    * PHP Configuration – Enables widely used PHP modules for maximum compatibility.
    * Eaccellerator – Optimizes PHP performance through script caching.
    * Graphic Applications – Installs widely-used graphic applications NetPBM and ImageMagick.
    * Monitoring Applications – Installs MyTOP, Iptraf, and Ifop utilities to easily monitor server performance.

Security Audits:

    * Rootkit Hunter – Nightly scan to detect system intrusions.
    * Chkrootkit – Nightly scan to detect system intrusions.
If you run your own Linux server here are some tips on server hardening, liberally stolen from the CFS security GUI script for cPanel/WHM, that I have become only too familiar with since yesterday:

   1. On your firewall (you do have one don’t you?) check the incoming MySQL port and if 3306 is open, close it. If this port is left open it can pose both a security and server abuse threat since not only can hackers attempt to break into MySQL, any user can host their SQL database on your server and access it from another host and so (ab)use your server resources
   2. Check /tmp permissions. /tmp should be chmod 1777
   3. Check /tmp ownership /tmp should be owned by root:root
   4. Check /etc/cron.daily/logrotate for /tmp noexec workaround. Due to a bug in logrotate if /tmp is mounted with the noexec option, you need to have logrotate use a different temporary directory. If you don’t do this syslog may not restart correctly and will write to the wrong (older) log files. See here for a way to do this
   5. Check /var/tmp permissions. /var/tmp should be chmod 1777
   6. Check /var/tmp ownership. /var/tmp should be owned by root:root
   7. Check /var/tmp is mounted as a filesystem. /var/tmp should either be symlinked to /tmp or mounted as a filesystem
   8. Check /var/tmp is mounted noexec,nosuid. /var/tmp isn’t mounted with the noexec,nosuid options (currently: none). You should consider adding a mountpoint into /etc/fstab for /var/tmp with those options
   9. Check /usr/tmp permissions. /usr/tmp should be chmod 1777
  10. Check /usr/tmp ownership. /usr/tmp should be owned by root:root
  11. Check /usr/tmp is mounted as a filesystem or is a symlink to /tmp. /usr/tmp should either be symlinked to /tmp or mounted as a filesystem

      Check /etc/resolv.conf for localhost entry. You should not specify or localhost as a nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf - use the servers main IP address instead
  12. Check /etc/named.conf for recursion restrictions. If you have a local DNS server running but do not have any recursion restrictions set in /etc/named.conf this is a security and performance risk and you should look at restricting recursive lookups to the local IP addresses only. Unrestricted recursive lookups are as good as a DDoS attack against your system. They will eat up all your system resources
  13. Check server runlevel. For a secure server environment you should only run the server at runlevel 3. You can fix this by editing /etc/inittab and changing the initdefault line to:
      id:3:initdefault: and then rebooting the server
  14. Check nobody cron. You have a nobody cron log file - you should check that this has not been created by an exploit
  15. Check Operating System support. Make certain that your OS version is still supported by the manufacturer and that upgrades continue to be available
  16. Check SSHv1 is disabled. You should disable SSHv1 by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting: Protocol 2 (remove the hash # from in front of the line and edit out the 1.1)
  17. Check SSH on non-standard port. Moving SSH to a non-standard port avoids basic SSH port scans. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting: Port nnnn Where nnnn is a port of your choosing. Don’t forget to open the port in the firewall first!
  18. Check SSH PasswordAuthentication. For ultimate SSH security, you might want to consider disabling PasswordAuthentication and only allow access using PubkeyAuthentication. For more information read this article and this article
  19. Check telnet port 23 is not in use. Close this port in your firewall. Telnet is an insecure protocol and you should disable the telnet daemon if it is running
  20. Check shell resource limits. You should enable shell resource limits to prevent shell users from consuming server resources - DOS exploits typically do this. If you are using cPanel/WHM set Shell Fork Bomb Protection.
  21. Disable all instances of IRC - BitchX, bnc, eggdrop, generic-sniffers, guardservices, ircd, psyBNC, ptlink. If you are using WHM you can do this in the Background Process Killer.
  22. Check apache for mod_security if not installed install it from source
  23. Check apache for mod_evasive. You should install the mod_evasive apache module from source to help prevent DOS attacks against apache. Note that this module breaks FrontPage functionality
  24. Check apache for RLimitCPU. You should set a value RLimitCPU to prevent runaway scripts from consuming server resources - DOS exploits can typically do this.
  25. Check apache for RLimitMEM. You should set a value RLimitMEM to prevent runaway scripts from consuming server resources - DOS exploits can typically do this
  26. Check php for enable_dl. You should modify /usr/local/lib/php.ini and set:
      enable_dl = off This prevents users from loading php modules that affect everyone on the server. Note that if use dynamic libraries, such as ioncube, you will have to load them directly in php.ini1
  27. Check php for disable_functions. You should modify /usr/local/lib/php.ini and disable commonly abused php functions, e.g.:
      disable_functions = show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, popen, proc_open Some client web scripts may break with some of these functions disabled, so you may have to remove them from this list
  28. Check phpsuexec. To reduce the risk of hackers accessing all sites on the server from a compromised PHP web script, you should enable phpsuexec when you build apache/php. Note that there are side effects when enabling phpsuexec on a server and you should be aware of these before enabling it
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