Table of Contents
various linux minimal desktops
- opensuse minimal desktop livecd is the fastest and easiest option
- kidsuse minimal livecd for kids fun, play, and learn
- ubuntu minimal desktop
- mandriva minimal desktop
- debian minimal desktop installation
minimal install
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easy and fast
hell, this page is so very long…. i'm bored already….
ok. this is linux. it's all up to you. you decide what you want….
you can have other easy and fast alternatives, like:
- FEATURING: opensuse minimal desktop livecd and can be installed easily
- surely hell lot faster than ubuntu/kubuntu/etc… and it's just as easy as ubuntu/kubuntu
complete control
or you can continue this minimal desktop installation if you like…
what make this installation different is that you have complete control what you want to install. you decide every single piece of your linux. you decide if you want opera over firefox or gnumeric over calc, etc… and it's still 100% ubuntu.
this guide is tested on the field with a complete newbies who never see/use linux before and use 100% windows and the system installed fine with all required hardware and software working!
warning & note:
- i assume you install to an empty harddrive. at least. nothing important in the harddrive so that everything can be safely wiped out. i will not responsible for any data lost.
- everything started with a # meaning that is a comment line. that is for your eyes and you do not need to type it at all and you can safely ignore them.
- all command started with $ is to be entered into terminal
- if a command started with #$ meaning you should choose wheter or not to execute that command
- multiple #$ means you should choose only one of the multiple commands
- (almost) everything is optional. if you're in doubt in any part, you can safely skip it for later
ok let's get started…
- first, install using server/alternate cd
- boot your cd, choose your language, press F4 and choose "Install a command-line system"
- if you use ubuntu minimal cd, enter 'cli' at boot prompt
- if/when asked what to install, choose nothing. nothing at all. not base system. not minimal. nothing. deselect everything.
- after ubuntu installed and restarted to your new installed system. login as usual.
- now we start installing the system. let's the fun begins.
nb. it's most confusing for windows users that linux do not show any asterisk when you enter your password. the password line just blank whatever you type into it. and it's intentional. just key in your password and press enter.
update & upgrade
this step is optional but highly recommended.
as with everything in linux. all and everything is optional. you decide what you want.
do NOT install anything that you will not use/want.
if you want to install everything, you'd better go with the ubuntu livecd installer.
#first, make things easier...
#if you want these alias activated everytime you login, put it into bashrc with all other aliases
# with alias, you can shorten any command to save few keyboard strokes.
$ nano -w .bashrc
alias nano='nano -w'
alias update='sudo aptitude update'
alias upgrade='sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade'
alias iapt='sudo aptitude install'
alias suapt='sudo aptitude'
alias sudeb='sudo gdebi'
now, do the update & upgrade
$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
$ sudo aptitude full-upgrade
# then you can always use 'suapt install' in place of 'sudo aptitude install'
# this guide will keep the full syntax for clearity purpose.
quick start
this ONE SINGLE line is all you need to get your minimal desktop.
$ sudo aptitude -y install xserver-xorg-core xinit menu menu-xdg jwm fluxbox alsa-utils mrxvt gdebi-core synaptic logrotate localepurge
if you got missing packages or any error, please check the repo section and make sure your repo do not have this bug:
users & groups
add more users
$ sudo adduser newlinuxusername
add users to groups
add your users to certain groups to allow you play music/video, mount, etc…
$ sudo usermod -aG dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,video,plugdev,fuse,lpadmin yourusername
that's all it!
you got somewhat minimal desktop.
now you can get into your desktop with:
$ startx
this is what you got:
then, you can use synaptic to install any other apps:
$ sudo synaptic
or, you can continue for more fun…
minimal X
if you do not like fluxbox above, you can choose to install any other wm. just replace the fluxbox above with any of these desktop/wm.
only choose ONE for small system. if you have enough resources, you might install more to try out any of them…
#$ sudo aptitude install jwm
#$ sudo aptitude install fluxbox
#$ sudo aptitude install fvwm-crystal
#$ sudo aptitude install icewm icemc wmctrl
#$ sudo aptitude install --without-recommends lxde-core
#$ sudo aptitude install --without-recommends lxde
#$ sudo aptitude install xfce4
#$ sudo aptitude install gnome-core
#$ sudo aptitude install kde-core
#$ sudo aptitude install kde4-core
- generaly, i try to sort them with their memory usage. if you have absolute minimal ram (64meg) use the first (jwm/fluxbox only)
- at most bottom, gnome-core, kde-core and kde4-core is the heaviest. avoid them if you have very small ram (<128meg)
- for n00b, maybe lxde/xfce4 is easier to use
- see also: install fvwm-crystal on debian
- lxde is very cool. you need to add repo to install it. see
- lxde recommends gdm, a huge monster apps that depends on other monster apps. use —without-recommends switch so that you wont install those monster.
first, put the lxde repo into /etc/apt/sources.list :
#$ sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list
# then paste this line into it:
deb hardy main
# then:
#$ sudo aptitude update
#$ sudo aptitude install --without-recommends lxde
- update: if you got problem from old lxde repo, make sure you remove the apps from that old repo first:
#first, remove apps from old repos
$ sudo aptitude purge lxde lxsession-lite lxappearance pcmanfm lxpanel
# then do the install
$ sudo aptitude install --without-recommends lxde
more on window manager
choosing your x session / window manager
you can choose alternatives xsession/xwindow manager ONLY IF you install more than one of those.
if you only install one, you got no alternatives to choose from.
sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
$ sudo update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
or, you can create .xsession
# to create .xsession file, open a terminal and enter:
#$ nano -w .xsession
# and put one of these into it:
# uncomment (remove the #) only ONE that you want to use.
# and comments (put # in front of it) all the others that you do not use
exec startfluxbox
# exec startlxde
# exec startxfce4
# exec icewm-session
# exec fvwm-crystal
graphical login, display manager
this is OPTIONAL!
skip this if you dont know about it. it uses more ram.
try install qingy instead of any of these.
you can even automatically login and startx when you turn on your pc.
unless you have to. ie, fix problem with X display drivers etc..
# install ONLY ONE of these
#$ sudo aptitude install wdm
#$ sudo aptitude install xdm
$ sudo aptitude install slim
#$ sudo aptitude install gdm
#$ sudo aptitude install kdm
slim seems to disregard .xinitrc
so, if you use slim and you might want to rename to .xsession
$ mv .xinitrc .xsession
windows refugee
network neighborhood
$ sudo aptitude install smbfs
#$ sudo aptitude install smbc #ncurse client
$ sudo aptitude install pyneighborhood
lighter fox
$ sudo aptitude install libstdc++5
$ wget -c
$ sudo tar zxvf ~/firefox- -C /opt
swiftweasel, the optimized fox
compiled from firefox source and optimized for speed
# first, setup the repo by adding this one line into /etc/apt/sources.list
deb hardy multiverse
# then install the one optimized for your cpu
# examples:
#$ aptitude search swiftweasel
#$ sudo aptitude install swiftweasel-prescott
full blown browsers
sudo aptitude install opera
# full blown huge heavy monster fox
#$ sudo aptitude install firefox-2
$ sudo aptitude install firefox flashplugin-nonfree sun-java5-plugin ubufox adblock-plus firebug firefox-greasemonkey firefox-webdeveloper
plugins, extensions, etc
$ sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree sun-java5-plugin
$ sudo aptitude install ubufox adblock-plus firebug firefox-greasemonkey firefox-webdeveloper
# to make plugins works for firefox 1.5 or swiftweasel
$ cd /opt/firefox/plugins
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
internet explorer 5, 5.5, 6
$ sudo aptitude install wine cabextract
$ wget
$ tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
$ cd ies4linux-*
$ ./ies4linux
google chrome
other browsers
# dial-up
# terminal:
#$ sudo aptitude install pppconfig
# gnome:
#$ sudo aptitude install gpppon
# or
#$ sudo aptitude install gnome-ppp
# for kde:
#$ sudo aptitude install kppp
#$ sudo aptitude install kppp-kde4
dial up, softmodems / winmodems / linmodems
adsl pppoe
minimal apps
you might want additional apps.
# other stuffs
$ sudo aptitude install openjdk-6-jdk pidgin gkrellm wine qemu gxine xarchiver evince
# tools for desktop
#$ sudo aptitude install conky
#$ sudo aptitude install gkrellm
# stuffs i like, tools i use
#$ sudo aptitude install zim
alternatives apps:
- pdf:
- terminal:
multimedia (dvd,wmv,quicktime,realplayer,etc…)
games emulation
emulator for playstation, super nintendo, gameboy advance, atari, amiga, sega genesis/megadrive
$ sudo aptitude install pcsx zsnes vbaexpress hatari uae dgen
# see the list of apps for junior. select which ones you want
$ aptitude search junior
$ sudo aptitude install gnuchess gcompris childsplay junior-art junior-internet
# make gnuchess works from gcompris
$ sudo ln -s /usr/games/gnuchess /usr/games/gnome-gnuchess
WARNING: do not use tasksel to remove any apps until this bug is fix:
easily install a group of apps with tasksel.
$ tasksel --list-tasks
#$ sudo tasksel install edubuntu-server
#$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server
#$ sudo tasksel install xubuntu-desktop
use OLPC XO without buying one
$ sudo aptitude install sugar sugar-activities sugar-emulator
ubuntu netbook remix
#these line into /etc/apt/sources.list
deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main
#then do:
#$ sudo aptitude install go-home-applet human-netbook-theme maximus ume-launcher window-picker-applet
#$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
more multimedia. medibuntu
# get video from your handycam
#$ sudo tasksel install ubuntustudio-video
$ sudo aptitude install vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras
$ wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo aptitude install medibuntu-keyring
# what's in medibuntu?
$ sudo aptitude install skype googleearth mplayer
multimedia center
$ sudo aptitude install elisa
$ sudo aptitude install mediatomb
cd ripper
easy ripping
# choose one of these
#$ sudo aptitude install sound-juicer
#$ sudo aptitude install grip
secure ripping
$ sudo aptitude install ruby libglade2-ruby ruby-gnome2 libgettext-ruby-util cd-discid cdparanoia lame vorbis-tools flac normalize-audio mp3gain vorbisgain
# get latest rubyripper
$ wget
$ tar zxvf rubyripper-x.x.x.tar.bz2
$ cd rubyripper-x.x.x
$ ./rubyripper_gtk2.rb
other options for linux secure ripping
dvd ripper
# one of these
$ sudo aptitude install thoggen
$ sudo aptitude install dvdrip
connect your mobile phones
try one of these
$ sudo aptitude install gnome-phone-manager
$ sudo aptitude install wammu
$ sudo aptitude install xgnokii
$ sudo aptitude install gmobilemedia
$ sudo aptitude install kmobiletools
$ sudo aptitude install xgsmlib #not in hardy (yet?)
- the perfect webserver
- postfix mailserver
- install nginx
- install zimbra
remote access
remote access server
depends on how you want to access your pc remotely.
$ sudo tasksel install openssh-server
$ sudo aptitude install openvpn
$ sudo aptitude install xrdp # allow any windows rdp client connect to your linux
$ sudo aptitude install x11vnc
remote access client
$ sudo aptitude install kvpnc # kde vpn client
$ sudo aptitude install network-manager-openvpn #manage openvpn on gnome
$ sudo aptitude install rdesktop #rdp cli
$ sudo aptitude install tsclient #framebuffer/x gui for rdesktop
$ sudo aptitude install gnome-rdp # heavy weight rdp for gnome
$ sudo aptitude install krdc # heavy weight rdp for kde
$ sudo aptitude install filezilla firefox-webdeveloper geany kompozer openjdk-6-jdk
software developer
$ sudo aptitude install geany build-essential checkinstall
#kernel source
#$ sudo aptitude install linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server openjdk-6-jdk
$ sudo aptitude install vym freemind
chinese fonts
only to let you browse sites with chinese characters
$ sudo aptitude install ttf-wqy-zenhei
complete chinese system
$ sudo aptitude install language-support-zh
#$ sudo aptitude install language-pack-zh xfonts-intl-chinese xfonts-intl-chinese-big scim-pinyin
$ sudo aptitude install biblememorizer bibletime gnomesword sword-text-kjv sword-text-web
$ sudo aptitude install display-dhammapada
$ sudo aptitude install minbar itools zekr
includes binary driver for nvidia/ati/etc…
#$ sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-generic
# or, if you install the server cd:
#$ sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-server
$ sudo aptitude install envyng-gtk linux-headers-generic
# if you're using server cd, replace linux-headers-generic with linux-headers-server
other applications
see tiny linux applications
first, the easiest way is to check if the apps you want is in the repo:
$ sudo synaptic
$ aptitude search what you search for
$ sudo aptitude install what-is-found
if you cant find there, then try these:
misc etc
- polipo: small caching proxy
- gdebi: install deb packages and its dependencies
$ sudo aptitude install gdebi polipo
# warning: polipo cache can grow to fill your harddrive. do manual clean up once a while
ubuntu repositories
ubuntu /etc/apt/sources.list with better local mirror
use this mirror ONLY if you're in Indonesia. for Indonesia ONLY!
the default ubuntu mirror for indonesia ( point to is heavily broken.
you will get LOTS of 404 errors.
wonder why ubuntu use it…
# to easily replace with use this:
#$ sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list
# then press CTRL-\
# and then enter in what to replace.
# then enter for the replacement
# or, you can just copy from here and replace everything in your sources.list
# then CTRL-X to exit. and choose save when asked.
# for any other countries, you can use to use main server
# but depends on your isp, this might slow down your connection.
# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423.2)]/ hardy main restricted
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb hardy main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy main restricted universe multiverse
deb hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
## 'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is
## offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu
## users.
#deb hardy partner
#deb-src hardy partner
# deb hardy-commercial main
deb hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse
ubuntu main server
if you're from any other countries, you can use this repo.
it loads everything from ubuntu main server.
not from local mirrors.
thus, it might slower than your local mirrors.
# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423.2)]/ hardy main restricted
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb hardy main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy main restricted universe multiverse
deb hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
## 'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is
## offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu
## users.
#deb hardy partner
#deb-src hardy partner
# deb hardy-commercial main
deb hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse
additional / third party repos
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/others.list
## Medibuntu - Ubuntu 8.04 LTS "hardy heron"
## Please report any bug on
deb hardy free non-free
#deb hardy free non-free
#deb-src hardy free non-free
deb hardy main
# Google software repository
deb stable non-free
deb stable non-free
deb hardy multiverse
deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main
# telepathy, empathy
deb hardy main restricted universe multiverse
# ekiga snapshots
# gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 3596ED6E
# gpg --export --armor 3596ED6E | sudo apt-key add -
# you have to enable hardy-updates before install
#$ sudo aptitude install ekiga-snapshot
deb hardy main
- why everything use aptitude?
- somewhat n00b friendly. minimal fussing with apt/source.list, no tedious install from source
- it ease my life. any new apps, bugfix or security update i just do aptitude upgrade
- why not apt-get
- aptitude keep a record of what you install and offer you to remove unneeded dependencies.
- google for more info
note: some of these projects may need you add more repositories
other similar projects:
Of course you always has problems. The repo you used is incorrect.
Please refer to their wiki page again to use the latest repo.
Packages for gutsy and hardy are available.
tnx for pointing out the issue. | |
sudo aptitude -y install xserver-xorg-core xinit menu menu-xdg fluxbox synaptic
menu-xdg, fluxbox, synaptic are not available for Ubuntu 8.0.4. Any idea?
i use the same ubuntu 804.
i did have many 404 error with ubuntu default mirror for indonesia.
what error you have?
make sure you have valid repo. you can also try other mirrors.
changing the mirror fix all my issues. | |
make sure you enable ALL repo.
main, restricted, universe, multiverse.
enable all of them.
brilliant post!!
really really really very very very good post!!!
i've been wanting to clean ubuntu of useless stuff, but i didn't know the tools to do it.
it's very detailed, and complete. Congratulations and a million thanks!
i have my compaq notebook with ubuntu + lxde and it starts up in 40 sec!!!!
awesome!! i'm delightfully happy!
thank you very much.
(i'm fighting now with my wireless connection. I can't make it work. I'll have to do a little more research …)
Nice post my friend.. but i wish it went that smooth with me :(
I got an error after the long install packages line.. when i type startx it give me this error:
Fatal server error:
FontPAth not found or something… so follow this other thread and it tells me to check somewhere for my fonts.. in xorg.conf. The file has no entry of any fonts like the examples i see other people have!! (the ones with 100dpi, 75..)
i check that path /var/usr/share i guess and i dont find these files either, i dont get the problem here..
i am sure i didnt miss any of the steps you mentioned.. although i had no choice of running a base installation at the begining… now i am back to square one and i want to start it clean.. and yea i am in Egypt and internet connections are very unreliable where i live due to power cuts.
Is there a way to download what all this on a removable USB drive and using it to build the system after I am done with the minimal CD?
oops.. i am not the author of "Exclllent" btw.. and i was not a replying.. :|
so i am using the 7.10 minimal CD.. i dont know if you tried that.. maybe thats the inconsistency. i am downloading the 8.04 alternate CD that you used as i type this :) would like to get it running and then install the packages i need using the CDROM but still running the apt-get command, or aptitude if you say its better. i also tried that with the 7.10 install but apt still goes to check online and completely ignores the CDROM i added (using sudo aptcdrom add).
i think there is something i am missing here but i dont know what it is.. and now i am just rambling on your blog :S
if you insist install offline, try removing all other source from /etc/apt/source.list by putting a # comment in front of each line and let only one cdrom as source.
then do:
but make sure the apps you want IS in the cd. that's including all its dependencies.
otherwise, the install will fail.
thanks for sharing Denny!
a few remarks/observations:
« if you use ubuntu minimal cd, enter 'cli' at boot prompt«
« if/when asked, choose nothing. nothing at all. not base system. not minimal. nothing. deselect everything.«
I have doubts because I did see "installing base system"
nothing is mentioned about partitioning - I was lucky choosing the correct stuff I guess
"alias" is not explained; what's it for?
the link for LDXE doesn't work (page not found)
I tried with synaptic; it only found that gview(something)
the part about x session is not working ("no alternatives for x-session-manager")
about the "create .xsession - not clear whether to leave out the pound sign or not
qingy part is unclear also; install is ok, but the site refers to "edit file as follows…" - what file??
windows refugee - same remark as before about pound sign
all this to say that the windows users doing the proof reading of your manual that you mention may have been very experienced computer users? I wasn't able to follow everything and did a lot by instinct
but all this is NOT meant as criticism; I'm just hoping you can clarify 1 or 2 things for me and others getting their feet wet in Linux
the idea in itself about the light weight Ubuntu and sharing the How-To with others gets an applause from me!
thanks again :-)
two lines fell away from my post because I used a < in reverse
they're meant to be in the empty spaces in the beginning and went something like:
-after cli prompt (minimal cd version) - also use F4??
-choosing "nothing"? I did choose language of course, and then country, keyboard etc. Did I do it correctly then?
tnx for the inputs.
very much appreciated.
many confusion should go away if you view the flickr screencast.
i'll add more details to better help more windows refugee…
(just as i am.)
some links might be broken because the website owner update their website
and i do not have time to re-validate all of them.
but, i will try to keep it updated as more people like you give more inputs and reports bad links.
on qingy: the first comment tells you what file you need to edit.:
btw. my friend i mention in the article, (complete newbies who never see/use linux before and use 100% windows) got extra phone support that i explain few more details. but not too much support.
in fact, he complete the install without a single phone call. the call is more on setting up the dial up modem which require to compile from source.
also… he's not proof reading. he was actually replacing his windows with maintenance-free, trouble-free, virus-free linux.
tnx again! | |
I built a minimalistic cd using these recommendations for light weight desktops. Look at the bottom, install a new desktop.
How about a printer friendly version of this doc?
here's print version:
as you can take any other pages too…
or, better yet, dont print. save the forest.
on the sidebar, there's 'Share This' options that allow you download a pdf version of this page.
then you can read the pdf anytime you like… | |
I needed to add my username in the group audio for sound to work. It be good if you add instruction to add permission for the default group that is needed and don't have permission set in the cli install. Good work.
tnx for the inputs. keep them coming… | |
I'm installing ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop w/ via s3g unichrome IGP display adapter. I'm having problem installing the driver of it to enable the desktop effect. I need help on
how to install the driver of my display adapter. resolution of my display is 800x600. I'm a newbie w/ ubuntu
have you tried this:
or google?
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